5 กุมภาพันธ์ 2558

วีรพงษ์ ไชยหงษ์


นายวีรพงษ์ ไชยหงษ์
หน้าที่การงาน                 ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนบ้านซับกระดาน  สพป.สระบุรี 2
ที่บ้าน                        310/2 ม.1 บ้านซับสนุ่น ต. ซับสนุ่น อ. มวกเหล็ก จ. สระบุรี 18220
  6 มิ.ย. 2542                   ศศ.บ. (ภาษาอังกฤษ)            ม.รามคำแหง
28 มี.ค. 2550                   ศษ.ม. (การบริหารการศึกษา) ม.รามคำแหง
28 ก.พ. 2556                   Ph.D. (Social Science) Magadh University, Bodh - Gaya, India
14 ธ.ค.  2547                   
อาจารย์ 1 ระดับ 3 โรงเรียนวัดหนองปลิง อ.หนองแค สพท.สบ.2
15 ก.พ. 2551                   รองผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนวัดพระพุทธบาทน้อย มิตรภาพที่ 69  อ.แก่งคอย สพท.สบ.2
28 ต.ค. 2552                   ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนวัดสมุหประดิษฐ์ (วันครู 2501) อ.เสาไห้ สพป.สบ.1
13 ธ.ค. 2556                   ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียบ้านซับกระดาน อ.มวกเหล็ก สพป.สระบุรี 2
2547                                ตำแหน่ง อาจารย์ 1 ระดับ 3 เอกภาษาอังกฤษ ได้ลำดับที่ 1 ของ จ. สระบุรี
                                        จัดสอบโดย สพฐ. ข้อสอบจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
2551                                ตำแหน่งรองผู้อำนวยการสถานศึกษา ได้ลำดับที่ 2  สพท.สบ.2
                                        ผ่านข้อสอบภาค ก ของจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย 
2552                                ตำแหน่งผู้อำนวยการสถานศึกษา ได้ลำดับที่ 3 สพท.สบ.1
ดูงานต่างประเทศ            เวียตนาม มาเลเซีย สิงคโปร์ อินโดนีเซีย อินเดีย เนปาล ฟิลิปปินส์ จีน ลาว กัมพูชา
วิทยฐานะ                        ผู้อำนวยการชำนาญการพิเศษ (14 ส.ค.2556)
เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์      ต.ม. (5 ธ.ค.2554)  ท.ช. (5 ธ.ค.2557)
เกียรติยศแห่งวิชาชีพ (Honor of Professional)
     เกียรติบัตร รางวัล ผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาดีศรีสระบุรี ประจำปี 2554 จาก สพป.สระบุรี เขต 1
Ph.D. (Social Science)
Took  the picture with the Supervisor  Dr. Md. Nasim Khan, Reader in Psychology,
Professor Dr.H.B. Rahman Khan, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences  and Teachers
of  Department of  Psychology, Magadh University, Bodh - Gaya.
The  event  that  I  took  the  viva - voce  examination on 25th February 2012
at Magadh University, Bodh - Gaya. VIII - XIII.VI.MMIX,  XXVIII.X - III.XI.MMX,
       With gratitude I  acknowledge Dr. A.Q. Ansari  for  their   tireless  efforts, extensive comments and advice that shaped this work. I  am  honoured    that  the  thesis was  supervised  by research   leader and learnt much their experiences. Their gentle and warm characters  have enabled me  to complete this thesis  successfully. Thank  you  for  your  priceless support. These words of encouragement were  never  lost.
I am really  thankful to my  supervisor  Dr.  Md.  Nasim  Khan, Reader in Psychology, M.G. College, Gaya, M.U.,Bodhgaya, under whose guidance this research work was completed. He has always been a source of inspiration and helping hand to me.
I am also indebted to Professor Dr. H.B.Rahman Khan, Dean faculty of      Social Sciences, M.U. for moral boost up and valuable suggestions in finding the relevant materials.
I  am  thankful  to  Mr.  Rajesh  Kumar  Sinha,  Shakya computer  who completed this thesis for me.
To Dr. Autana Lowhathaimongkol, for  their  support and encouragement. I won't forget your willingness to help me better conceptualize my understanding of this project. Your time and willingness to serve on my guide are greatly appreciated. I have learned much from you in the years. Thank you for helping me accomplish a dream. 

To Mr. Lian and Mrs. Lampai Chaiyahong, my parents the two of you have provided the greatest example in every facet of my life. The goal of earning a doctorate would no have happened without the unwavering belief you instilled in me that I could do anything I put my mind to. You truly are the greatest role models a child ever  have  been  blessed  with. I dedicate this work to  my  family  ;  my  parents  and  my  wife  for the spiritual support and the strength that they gave me to work under the challenging conditions up to the conclusion of  this  research  project.
To Ms. Autaiwan Tamee, my loving and supportive wife : This process would not have been possible without you. Your optimism and positive reinforcement helped me every day of this endeavor and kept me going even when I doubted myself. The love, support and kindness you have shown me during these last three years of studies will never be forgotten.

Indian friends  Vicky & Kanchanand
Vicky_bgaya@yahoo.com  Mb.0091-9934687080
Kanchanand Kumar "Hipiya"
Chandni Guest House (near Hotel Taj Darbar, Bodhgaya)
Mob. + 91- 7277911380, + 91-9934476518, +91-9708082142

Education Trip Sight Seeing Tour in Foreign Countries

Date of Visit       Institution/Place
     4 - 7 March 1997      Nee Soon Camp, M. of Defence, Singapore 
           20 July 2004      Vientiane city, Lao PDR.
            2 April 2009      Tran Quoc Toan Junior High School, Vietnam
     25 January 2010      Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
     27 January 2010      Mayflower Primary School, Singapore
     28 January 2010      Green School, Bali island, Indonesia
     19 October 2011      P.P.S Public School, Sarnath-Varanasi, India
    21 October  2011      Royal Thai Monastery Lumbini, Nepal 
         5 March 2012      Commonwealth National High School
         6 March 2012      Rizal High School, The Philippines
         7 March 2012      Philippine Science High School
   13 October  2012      Jinghong city elementary School, China
           8 April 2013      Luang Prabang Primary School
                                    Sithan Primary school  Lao PDR.
   19 - 24 July 2013      Pakse, Champasak, Lao PDR.
   13 - 15 Oct  2013      Watbos elementary School,Siemreap, Cambodia

 The important events that occured in overseas
Took the picture with Dr. A.Q. Ansari 
The teacher of Faculty of Social Sciences 
Magadh University, Bodh-Gaya, India 
The host family, including Waris, Dr.A.Q. Ansari, Madam and Azad, that I have been
lived with 
during the time of Ph.D. studies.  
Great Indian National Museum
in New Delhi City, India
Lovely students at P.P.S Public School        
Sarnath - Varanasi, Uttrapradesh State.
  At the centre of New Delhi stands the 42 m high India Gate,
took the picture with Dr.A.Q.Ansari 's daughter and niece. 
Amazing Royal Thai Monastery Lumbini, Nepal Exotic Singapore City with Merlion  
Received certificate from
Mrs. Valarie Wilson, Principal of
Mayflower Primary School,
Having an exchange of knowledge on 
Educational Management with Mr.Ronald Stones,Consulting Director of Green School
Bali, Indonesia  
                                           Tran Quoc Toan Junior High School, Vietnam
Presented dissertation proposal entitle "Causal  Relationship  Model of Factors 
                    Affecting the Effectiveness of  Elementary Schools"  in Academic Seminar on
Best  Practices  of  Educational Administration at  Universiti  Pendidikan Sultan
                    Idris, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  
Experience of being the soldier - L. C. Weerapong Chaiyahong
at Nee Soon Camp, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Singapore in 1997
                   According to our military law, every  strong  man  is  bounded to be selected
to serve the  nation when the age of 21 years old. On 14th  April 1995, it was the day of exciting event after I got red slot. And then I had to do  the  great duty of being a Soldier (cavalry) of Royal Thai Army for two years full.
                  It was the best experience ever to happen to me in my life. Just  being  there
to share, to see  the world of military with my own eyes and to experience what  it feels
like was more than enough to make my dreams complete. Somehow, the experience influenced
me to  view  things  in a different  perspective, it  taught  me  to  understand
people whose backgrounds are  different to mine, and challenged me to raise myself one step higher. I can
truthfully say it was the turning point of my life.

                 My  experience  of  being  a  soldier  is  a reminder that I should strive harder,
especially in my studies, in order to attain my goals. I was so thankful to all instructors

for words of encouragement.
                 I  consider  myself  lucky  because  Soldier  Life  gave  me this opportunity to
experience life ... a totally different life from the one I have Known.
With soldier friends at Royal Thai Army 
Headquarter in Bangkok
Field  Exercise  at  Dee Lang  Mountain, 
Pattananikom district, Lopburi province 
Received Warmly welcome from Singaporean
soldier friends at Nee Soon Camp, Singapore
New Soldier Training, year 1/1995, 
23rd Cavalry Squadron, Saraburi province
                           During the year of 1995 - 1997  I served as the compulsory military service 
                 at 23rd Cavalry Squadron, 5th Cavalry Regiment of RoyalThai  Army. Before 
                 discharging I was selected to be the representative  participated in Military 
                 Activities Visit at Nee soon Camp, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Singapore. 
                 Additionally, I was promoted as Lance Corporal and received the reward of 
                 outstanding soldier.



                              Buddhist Ordination ceremony to be the monk at Mittraparpwanaram temple,
                              Klangdong sub - district, Pakchong district, Nakhonratchasima province on
                              31st  December 2003 (29 years old)
          Mrs.Patcharin Apinyakul, the teacher at Watnonkpling school- Saraburi province, 
          was the person who provided me supporting both in higher education, financial
          aid and especially encouraging words during I worked at this school. I respected 
          hers as the elder sister and the second mother. Thanks a lot for her assistance.
          The pictures of memorial and valued experiences were never lost.
Footsteps of the Buddha ..  Pilgrimed at 4 holy sites in India & Nepal  : The Buddha 's Birth place, Enlightenment, First Sermon, The Last - Passed away and Ganga river 
 Phra Buddhametta The Significance of Four Holy Sites
The four holy sites refer to those destinations that
have been witness to some important event in the
life of Lord Buddha.
They are intrinsically connected
to the life  of Gautam Buddha and have utmost
significance in thedevelopment of Buddhism.Lord
Buddha , himself,referred to these sites as
worthy of pilgrimage. 
Lumbiniwan,the place where
the Buddha was born,Nepal
The first of these is Lumbini,the place where
Gautam Buddha was born as Siddharta to
Suddhodhana,the chieftain of Sakya
clan. His name Sakyamuni owes its origin to
the Sakya clan to which he belonged.The
astrologers,on his birth had predicted that
there were chance that the prince would
abandon every thing and pursue a path of
his own. Due to this Suddhodhana
prince Siddharta in pampering comforts of
royalty and kept him
away from the harsh
reality of the life.

Bodh Gaya, where the Buddha
attained enlightenment
However, one fine day, Siddharta came face to
face with the misiries of 
the life. This was the
turning point in his life. He discarded worldly

pleasures and set out in search of truth of life.
Finally,in Bodhgaya,the
second of the four holy
sites in Buddhism,He attained enlightenment
became the Buddha.

saranath, where the Buddha
preached first sermon
Post his enlightenment,the Buddha met his five
friends/disciples and
delivered his first sermon
at Deer Park in Sarnath.Therefore Sarnath 

became the third holy site for Buddhist community.
From here started
a remarkable journey which not
only  elevated the Buddha’s status but
also laid
down the foundation of one of the greatest
religions of
the world,Budd hism.
Kushinara, the site of
the Buddha 's Mahaparinirvana
The Buddha preached for the next 45 years
and finally died at Kushinara,
the last of
the four holy sites in Buddhism. The death of
Buddha is referred
as Mahaparinirvana
The Ganga river,the most
sacred river to Hindus 
The Ganga is the most sacred river to Hindus 
and is also
a lifeline to millions of Indians who
live along it course
and depend on it for daily
needs. It is worshiped as the goddess.

 Letter to Dr. A. Q. Ansari

Weerapong  Chaiyahong
86 M. 1 Muak Lek district
Saraburi, Thailand 18180

June 3, 2012

Dear Sir :

First of all, I hope you and all of your family are well. During the time of
my Ph.D. studies that I stayed in India, I received lots of help from your
family. I truly appreciate for your kindness.

Achievement in taking viva - voce  examination, I  felt grateful for your
encouraging words and completing  the  thesis successfully. My dream
have become true.

I knew from Dr.Autana that you  and  your  family  have a plan to visit
Thailand  in this June so I am looking  forward  to have an opportunity
to welcome.

Eventually, I have  one  thing  to request if you are affordable. That is
my provisional certificate.So that I will display this important document
to ministry of education. I should be obliged to you for your assistance
in this matter.

Thanks  a  lot for providing conveniences and I am waiting  to see you
and your family in Thailand soon.

Your sincerely,

Participated in The International Conference : EDUCA 2011 (The 4th Annual Congress for Teacher
Professional Development) on 12 October, 2011 held by Thailand 's Ministry of Education 

Education Visit in the Philippines on 3rd - 7th March, 2012

Rizal High School, the Largest secondary school in the world recorded by Guinness Book of Record since 1993 
Commonwealth High School, the Second largest High School in the Philippines

                                  Having a talk on educational management with Dr.Helen E. Caintic
                                             Principal of Philippine Science High School 

Education visit at Jinghong city primary school and Dai life culture sight seeing tour 

in Xihuangpanna, Yunnan, People 's Republic of China during 10 - 15 October 2012
Education in the People's Republic of China is a state-run system of public education run by the Ministry of Education. All citizens must attend school for at least nine years. The government provides primary education for six to nine years, starting at age six or seven, followed  by  six  years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18.
 Brief on Watsamuhapradit School
Watsamuhapradit school is located in Suandokmai sub-district, Saohai district, Saraburi province. It is a small-sized school, under the jurisdiction of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. There are 54 students and 3 teachers. Generally, the surroundings of the school are very nice, students learn happily and all stakeholders have come for participation in educational management. The service area of students covers 6 villages. The distance from school to the Office is approximately 10 kilometers. The school identity is the students' discipline. The School’s Mission statement states, “Watsamuhapradit School endeavors to prepare each student for academic, social and personal success. It endeavors to create a community of empowered and diverse learners - striving to become global citizens in an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding and trust.” In addition, the school has the important learner development activity that is “Reading to parents at home”. This project enables promoting parental involvement for literacy improvement of their child by themselves.

The Philippines was a U.S. colony before World War II, and Corregidor Island was the U.S. Army's most heavily - defended outpost. During World War II, Corregidor also became America's last line of defense. Corregidor fell to the Japanese in 1941, and was abandoned to the elements until the 1980s, when the government recognized the island's potential as a historical tourism destination.
         Tad Kwuang Si
          Walking street near
            Pra That Phusi
Sa Bai Dee Luang Prabang, P.D.R. of Laos
The ancient town of Luang Prabang situated in northern Laos, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. The tiny town is encircled by mountains and is 700 metres above sea level at the confluence of the Nam Khan and Mekong Rivers. Luang Prabang was the ancient royal capital of the Lan Xang Kingdom until King Phothisarat moved the administrative seat to Vientiane in 1545. The town's entire historical section is dedicated to tourism, with everything from former royal palaces to over 33 Wats (temples). Cascading waterfalls, scaling peaks and the milky-brown waters of the Mekong River provide ample opportunity to swim, climb and sail your way through Luang Prabang.  This small and gentle town where most locals are asleep by 22:00 is now one of the richest and most visited provinces in Laos.

                           At Pha Tang, Vangvieng - our group includes 24 people
Education Visit at Luang Prabang Primary School & Sithan (Baan That Luang)
Primary School
in Luang Prabang, P.D.R. of Laos on 8 April  2013
During I stayed in Luang Prabang on 5 - 10 April 2013, I took this chance to have an educational visit at primary schools to study Laos educational management system by talking with the principal of Luang Prabang Primary School, Mrs. Sisawart Jindahak & the principal of Sithan Primary School, Mrs. Boonmee Thaneejit on 8th April 2013. Thank you for providing warm welcome. 
Donated packages of stationery to the principal of Sithan Primary School.
Took the picture with a lovely teacher, she is very good at teaching the French language. The students correspondented hers very well also. Here in Laos the children began studying french when they are in grade nine. It is amazing, I do not know how to explain. But I would like you travel and receive the great experience yourself. Believing that you will have the impressions which not like any places you have seen before. I can guarantee. 
Donated packages of stationery to the principal of Luang Prabang Primary School
This man from Belgium, I met him by accident at Kiw Kra Jao (the way to Luang Prabang). After talking it made me found that Life is fighting, we must have the inspiration, hope and strong mind. Do not give up the obstacles whenever we still have the breath, we can choose or design the way of  life, it depends on that what we want to be and what to do, not anything could block our desire. Why ? I talked about this. Because he is handicapped, he has only one leg.Surprisingly he rode his bicycle in many countries.He may be the idol of anyone who is torture now. Before we depart, I gave him my cellphone number and expect to get the opportunity to welcome him in Thailand. Have a nice time in Laos, Good Bye.
19 - 24  July, 2013  Explore the city of  Pakse, Champasak, Lao P.D.R.

At the confluence of the Mekong and Xe Don rivers, Pakse is the capital of Champasak province and regarded as the far south's biggest town in Laos. Pakse is synonymous with Wat Phou like Siem reap and Angkor Wat. If you plan to go to the Bolaven Plateau or Si Phan Don you will probably have to spend some time here. There are places to see around Pakse : take a look at the villages, plantations and waterfalls of the Bolaven plateau. In addition, Pakse is becoming an increasingly popular starting point in Laos because there is an excellent road link, via Chong Mek, to Ubonratchathani a lovely city, easy to reach from Bangkok. 
      On the occasion of civil official 's retirement - sending traditional ceremony of our two principals namely Mr. Surasith Aunthongchaianan and Mr. Thitipong Klaiyaitong,
we, Saohai district elementary schools group, moved to the destination at Pakse city, Lao PDR. the wonder land of nature to touch charming of the great Mekhong river and fertiled forests by VIP bus. Our group had 41 people including teachers and principals from many schools. Moreover, we also have two important guests, the deputy directors of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, Mr. Nipon Thepnarin and Mr. Samroeng Saengtan that provided the honor to travel together with us. We appreciated for their coming and thanks a lot.
      During our trip we stayed at Kamfong hotel, it is a nice place, the price does not expensive and especially is very convenient to go and find local restaurants. At Pakse there is so much to do itself, it is a good base for travel to the Bolaven Plateau where coffee fields and waterfalls galore await .. Tad Fan and Pa Suam.., the idyllic river islands of Si Phan Don, also known as 4,000 islands and the Angkor temple complex Wat Phou.
      For the opinions of our visitors, I heard that they all are happy, take pride in Laos traditional and culture and want to come back again. I felt the same like that and would like to tell everyone  'I love Muang Laos' Thank you.

Experienced and Explored the city of Angkor at Siem Reap,Cambodiaduring on 13 - 15 October 2013

Angkor is a region in Cambodia that served as the seat of the Khmer Empire, the largest empire of Southeast Asia that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries. This ancient and revered Cambodian province is home to astonishing and enduring architectural evidence of the Khmer Empire's Hindu and Mahayana Buddhist beliefs; the temples of Angkor are awe-inspiring reminders of what was the largest preindustrial urban center in the world, larger than modern day New York.
The Holy city of Angkor Wat
The temple was built by Suryavaram II to honor the Hindu god Vishnu. The construction of Angkor Wat lasted at least 37 years. UNESCO has designated Angkor as a World Heritage Site.
Education Visit at Watbos elementary school, Siem Reap City on 14 October 2013
got very warm welcome from the principal and the group of teachers.